Programming Java

Tasks studies - laboratory

Project maintained by dawidolko Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by dawidolko

Java courses

Welcome to the Java course repository! Here you will find a variety of educational materials, code examples and practical tasks that will help you learn Java programming or develop existing skills.

About the project

This repository contains a set of Java courses that are designed to teach you basic and advanced Java programming concepts. Each course consists of relevant sections that cover various Java-related topics.

Available courses

Basics of programming in Java - This course is aimed at people starting their adventure with programming in Java. You’ll learn basic concepts like variables, conditionals, loops, arrays, and more.

Object-Oriented Programming in Java - This course will develop your knowledge of object-oriented programming in Java. You will learn concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation.

Java in practice - In this course you will work on practical projects that will allow you to apply your acquired knowledge to real examples. You’ll create applications, manipulate data, handle exceptions, use libraries, and much more.

Java for Web Developers - This course focuses on programming web applications in Java. You will learn to create TCP/IP servers, communicate with network services, support HTTP protocols, create client-server applications and much more.

How ​​to start

To start learning with Java courses, simply go to the appropriate course folder and explore the available materials. Each course includes documentation, code examples, and practice tasks to help you learn.


If you have any suggestions about courses, want to report a bug or have an idea for a new course, we encourage you to submit pull requests or open new issues in the Issues section.


All educational materials in this repository are provided under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify and share them under the terms of the license.

We encourage you to learn and develop your programming skills in Java! Good luck!